Letter to Tony Robbins

Dear Tony Robbins,

This is an invitation to create a project with me that will inspire your target market to want to know more about you and the incredible products and services you offer to help them grow, develop and/or be the successful entrepreneur they want to be.

With your expertise and leadership you already share presence, magic, and heart with people who want to grow, develop, and be independent in their careers or as an entrepreneur.

For the target market that is keenly interested in personal growth, personal development, and entrepreneurship what you offer IS worth its weight in gold.

And not just from a monetary standpoint but from the heart too. After all, that's what servant leadership is all about, isn't it? You're setting an example because you are a leader.

I believe you already know … for your message to be truly effective you need to use your voice. Same with Education-Based Marketing ... and I share your enthusiasm!

In coming from this place I truly believe I can help you get your message out in a way that resonates with the right people.

The right people are the people who are open to continuous learning and positively attracted to personal growth which feeds personal development and creates within oneself a masterful entrepreneur. Whether an employee or not. ​

On a personal note ... continuous learning in personal growth, personal development, and entrepreneurship is a joy for me.

How this helps ... I have natural passion, excitement, curiosity, determination, and enthusiasm for learning on these topics! ... all of which is transparent to the audience of your specialty in work projects created with you and for you.

If I were to read your book, participate in a seminar, be part of a workshop, listen to an audio, or partake in a teleconference/ webinar I would uncover the heart of your message in four ways ...

  • Experience the excitement of new breakthroughs!
  • Take wild, crazy, fun notes highlighting key takeaways with fresh perspective.
  • Discover new quotes perfect for your target market.
  • Assimilate your ideas as an Expert with mine as a student of your craft.

The result would then and only then become the starting point for us to create a project for you. In this way, I believe the work I can do for you is highly specialized. I can communicate with your target market as a breakthrough copywriter who is building her career by the exact same things you teach.

In essence, I can share passion for continuous learning in products and services such as yours … therefore help you connect to the needs, wants, and desires of the people you help best. ​

As a student in the areas of personal growth, personal development, and as an entrepreneur at heart what I have to share is found in everything I've said so far. ​

Plus, as a proud student and huge fan of your work I’m creating a blog specific to sharing the beauty of breakthroughs. ​

You’re welcome to see how breakthroughs in personal growth, personal development, and as an entrepreneur at heart help build the foundation needed to create Personalized Education-Based Marketing.

There's something else you should know about me ... and that's how I came to gain heartfelt understanding of breakthroughs in personal growth.

What if you learned something about yourself and it felt like a HUGE discovery because you’d never heard of it before? ​

I learned breakthroughs have everything to do with creating positive change and that sometimes you have to breakthrough in one area of your life before you can breakthrough in another. ​

In short, I began to understand and experience breakthroughs in personal growth by paying attention to me and saying yes to opportunities I believed would help me understand and experience more of what breakthroughs offer. ​

Today I’m grateful I needed those breakthroughs in personal growth ... and would have to say this is where I discovered the deeper meaning behind my passion to create content specific to the beauty of breakthroughs in personal growth, personal development, and as an entrepreneur at heart. ​

What this does ... it makes it possible for me to research your products and services, know them inside and out, so I can help bridge (personal) communication gaps between you and potential customers, as well as customers. ​

Seriously, and in fun, take a look at some samples of Personalized Education-Based Marketing and see how it can work for you … in fact, they are created special for you!

This one includes a mini preview … two excerpts of lead gen pieces designed specifically for a certain group of people.

The idea for the theme outlining this creation is based on a relationship between two guys. Two really great guys. It’s friendship. Respect. And, the result of what can happen when you work with a role model.

Which means … each guy feels comfortable saying exactly what’s on his mind. Which also means … you get to enjoy the best of their conversations!

Let me introduce you to the two guys:

The bonus and two completed pieces of this project include:

  1. The first part of the conversation between Coach Parker and Aiden on video [171 slides w/background music].
  2. An Invitation Email from Coach Parker
  3. The First Follow-Up Email from Coach Parker

Tony, I wouldn't bring you this idea for lead generation unless I believed you'd find it meaningful ... and because it's meaningful, exciting.

Question. Would it be helpful if I were to contribute, along with your team, use of a variety of techniques and approaches available in the world of education-based marketing to create fun and entertaining experiences for your fans?

If you're looking for a copywriter who can relate to breakthrough experience and combine it with content creation, maybe we could talk about your next up and coming project. You can reach me for first things by sending a quick email to contact.beckywest@gmail.com. ​

In the meantime, if you were to think about three to five special breakthrough moments, even tiny breakthrough moments, what is the connection when you consider the beauty of breakthroughs in personal growth, personal development, and as an entrepreneur at heart?

Tony, in appreciation, thank you for your time and this opportunity to be in touch. ​

With tremendous respect, ​

Becky West
info copywriter ​

p.s. One of the best things I can do as your copywriter... is to simply be authentic as an avid student of your product and or services so I can effectively bridge the gap between you and your target market. That would be a dream come true!

p.p.s. Given the intent behind the purpose of this letter you truly have nothing to lose and so much to gain in a way that only compliments contributions you already make for so many people. Can I help? If you think it might be a possibility you can send an email to contact.beckywest@gmail.com.

I can think of no better way to pay it forward then to create content specific to the beauty of breakthroughs for you and your team.